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Generate Web GIS, and more.

Dashboard Module

The MapMint Dashboard module

Distiller Module

The MapMint Data module

Manager Module

The MapMint Maps module

Apps Module

The MapMint Apps module


The Dashboard module allows the MapMint administrator to oversee and control their spatial data infrastructure, with the following utilities:

  • Advanced geospatial analytics
  • WPS, WMS, WFS, WCS and WMTS auto setup
  • Users and groups management


SDI analytics (per protocol, standard, web service, group, user)

SDI statistics (volume of data, cache, mapfiles...)

Automatic server configuration (WPS, WCS, WFS, WMS, WMTS)

General content and metadata configuration

User and groups management (super admin, admin, public...)

Direct access to recently created maps and projects.


The Data module allows the MapMint user to create data stores from local or remote data sources. Transform and easily prepare your GIS data for the web.

  • +100 GIS data formats supported
  • Convert, reproject, encode and query vector data
  • Convert, reproject and process raster data


4 types of datastores (directories, databases, wfs, wms)

100+ GDAL/OGR formats supported

Automatic WMS and WFS publishing with security options

Vector processing tools (ogrinfo, ogr2ogr, sql, simplify...)

Raster processing tools (gdaltindex, gdal_translate, gdaldem...)

Georeferencing tool (gdalwarp).

OrfeoToolBox and SAGA-GIS support

Generate tiles using MapCache


The Maps module is the heart of the MapMint platform. It is a complete graphical user interface for MapServer allowing the users to create mapfiles visually. What you see is what you get.

  • Powerful mapfile-based project manager
  • Advanced layer manager, editor and styler
  • Create base layers form your data


Compose maps and save them as mapfiles

Manage layers and groups by drag and drop

Edit layers order, properties and scales

Classify and discretize vector data

Configure symbols and fonts

Create base layers with vector/raster data.


The Apps module allows the MapMint user to create data stores from local or remote data sources.

  • Choose a map application template
  • Select 30+ client-side webmapping functionalities or create your own module
  • Customize your maps look and feel !


Growing web map templates collection

Set map title, description and metatags

Set map default extents and display projection

Select your own or third-party base layers

Select functionalities and customize toolbars

Easy customization of web map templates for both desktop and mobile.

Dedicated mobile client MapMint4ME.

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