The Dashboard module allows the MapMint administrator to oversee and control his spatial data infrastructure, with the following utilities:
Advanced geospatial analytics
WPS, WMS and WFS auto setup
Users and groups management
The Data module lets the MapMint administrator create data stores from various sources and easily prepare GIS data for the web. Everything is be done by click.
+50 data formats supported (GDAL, OGR, OSM, WFS, WMS, PostGIS...)
Convert, reproject, encode and query vector data (ogrinfo, ogr2ogr, -sql...)
Convert, reproject and process raster data (gdal_translate, gdalwarp, gdaldem, gdaltindex...)
The Maps module is the heart of the MapMint platform. It is a complete graphical user interface for MapServer allowing to create mapfiles visually. WYSIWYG, that's all.
Advanced layers manager
Advanced geospatial analytics
Users and groups management
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The Apps module allows the WebGIS administrator to oversee and control his spatial data infrastructure, with the following utilities:
Advanced geospatial analytics
WPS, WMS and WFS servers configuration
Users and groups management
The Dashboard module allows the MapMint administrator to oversee and control his spatial data infrastructure, with the following utilities: